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Tag: Semester 01

The houseboat

The nine of us, nine researchers that is, were sent to spend three days and three nights together on a houseboat.

On the first evening, we were visited by the current mentors (Aneta and Sander), the director (Mieke), and the coordinator (Kris). The day after, we confirmed that we had swum on our own black waters. Sam didn’t care a bit and kept on going back to visit the afterlife of our ever-changing menus.

It was good to meet my peers in a more natural estate. Overall I treasure the time I spent by myself.

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Acting like actors

It was enlightening to be on the actors’ side for a few days, since I was able to spot several harsh decisions I have taken in the past. Harshness is not the problem; effectiveness is.

The director should be the last person to talk to the actors before shooting. Talk to the character, not the actor. To his ear, reveal a secret that would trigger unexpected contrasting emotions or thoughts. These injections would not necessarily take over the scene, but they may provide it with a certain complexity or unbalance.

No one has dared to cut the film we shot. We probably shouldn’t.

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